It is common knowledge that most of the stars that are detected on the space are binary stars or something close to that. There have been serious questions as to how these types of stars are formed. There have been several methods through which the binary star systems are formed. The problem is brought about by the fact that it is hard to detect when these types of stars are forming at an early stage. They are only seen when they have already formed, which raises difficult questions as to how these stars are formed.

Binary star systems are formed after several explosions occur in the space to form several segments that combine to form a binary star. It is quite difficult to detect this explosion as they do not happen in a pattern. Most of the observers have realized that there is an added binary star without clear tracing the source or the origin of the explosion. As many individuals try to determine the answer behind the complex puzzle, there seems to an answer to the puzzle.

The idea behind the binary stars occurs when two dense stars to orbit one another. Most of the stars are formed when dust particles and ice combine and form a large body with mass and center of gravity. As the two big stars orbit one another, they cause a massive explosion as the two stars fragment into pieces. The gravity between the two stars causes the explosion as they try to pull the other stars towards them. The two stars end up combining to form a considerable binary star that is seen by observers.

It is very difficult to detect binary stars as they appear on the space and only last for a few seconds before they disappear only to reappear again. Given that the explosion that caused the binary two to join and form a huge binary star was so huge, the explosion continues and fragments continue falling over from the large stars. The mass will fall until the star disappears. The explosions that that causes the formation of binary stars is also witnessed in other types of collisions. Some huge stars have much mass as compared to the sun, which finally fragments due to gravity to form other binary stars.